Our Story
Welcome to Small Farma Wellness! Are you feeling frustrated with conventional approaches to chronic conditions? I was too! SFW is a small business bringing you small batch, full spectrum CBD products formulated with high-quality local hemp. I believe in sustainable approaches to healing drawn from centuries old practices of plant-based medicine making. Through alternative approaches to our health and well-being we can get to the root of our concerns and find empowerment and self-knowledge.
-Brooke, Founder and CEO
Hi! I’m Brooke Gassel, founder of Small Farma Wellness!
I used to be burnt out and a ball of nerves, but have found my way to centeredness through holistic approaches that no doctors ever suggested. I’m a teacher (of kids, yoga and meditation) and a small business owner working to create sustainable pathways to healing for myself and my community.
I lived and worked in New York City for 15 years before my body started to demand change. Feeling fatigued, stressed, depressed and anxious and with no clear answers as to what was “wrong”, I jumped in a way-too-big U-haul and moved to Rhode Island and to Maine a year later.
I knew I couldn’t make any headway on my mental and physical health before changing some major lifestyle factors. I was stuck in a cycle of prescription medications for sleep and anxiety, which came with side effects that seemed to make everything even worse. I’d constantly ask myself, “How did I get here?”. I was feeling desperate to get back to the version of myself that wasn’t just treading water.
When I found CBD, I felt instantly connected to the hemp plant as an ally in my healing and it has held my hand all the way through a fairly drastic transformation. It helped me wean off of medication, boosted my mood, supported consistent sleep cycles and gave me something to turn to that was natural and easy to use without making me feel more “out of it”.
Hemp has opened my eyes to a world of healing plants and the benefits of living a slower, more intentional and creative life. I’ve learned how to say no, set boundaries, create a spiritual practice and make choices in my work and personal life that feel nourishing instead of depleting. I’ve grown to trust the process and the intelligence of the body and I hope to support others in doing the same.
Let’s connect!
Stay with it,